Monday, October 15, 2012

3.5 Months!

We have had so much going on since my last update on Alessandra.  Firstly, she is a laughing, smiling 3 ½ month old!  Her personality has developed greatly and she is so sweet.  Her cheeks are HUGE and her arms and legs are chubby.  She’s starting to grab at toys and bring them to her mouth to chew on.  She smiles and laughs when she’s in a happy mood.  She screams with rage when things don’t go her way.  Needless to say, she keeps us on our toes.

A few days ago we had her cardio appointment and she is weighing in at 12.5 lbs and her O2 range is still in the 83-86% limit.  Her lungs sound great and she is outwardly a perfect picture of health.  This time we left the office with some homework: 1) schedule her monthly RSV shots and 2) Schedule a consult with her surgeon, Dr. Nigro.

We are getting close to surgery time.  We don’t have a date but it’s likely to be in November.  This part is hard for me to write about, it always is.  It’s easy to brag about how healthy she seems and how cute she is.  It’s difficult to write about the nightmares and fears that I have…so I wont.  Instead, I’m going write this because I believe it: She will be strong and fearless.  She will get through surgery and she will recover fast.  It wont be easy, but it will be ok. <3