Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Just About 3 Weeks Old

We are having so much fun with Alessandra.  She is increasingly spending more time awake looking around with her big open eyes.  I read that babies at this age become fixated with human faces and will mock certain expressions.  With that in mind I have been making funny faces at her as much as possible.  If I stick out my tongue she will stick hers out right back at me.  Its so cute!!

We had two appointments this week, a visit with the cardiologist and pediatrician.   Both appointments went really well.  Her O2 stats are still maintaining between 85 and 90.  Her amoxicillin dosage has been changed from 1.5 ml once a day to .8 ml twice a day (250 mg/5ml).  She is doing great with her medicine and has no problem taking it.  I think we are still looking at an earlier Glenn procedure but we do not have a date yet.  The bidirectional Glenn surgery will prepare her heart for the Fontan surgery, which will probably be done at 2 years of age.  The Glenn procedure is intended to improve her oxygen saturation as she grows by detouring the blood from the superior vena cava to the pulmonary artery.   I have full confidence that she will handle this surgery well when the time comes.  

At the pediatrician office she was weighed and measured and is growing at a normal rate.  She is now 8lbs and 21.5 inches and is exclusively breastfeeding.  At the appointment the doctor pointed out that she has a bluish tint to her complexion.  I guess she always has but I didn’t notice it myself until that moment.  When I compare the hue of the palm of my hand to the color of her belly I can really see the difference.  Her color should improve after the Glenn and then will hopefully permanently improve after the Fontan.

As of now we are adjusting to our lives and settling back into some of our normal activities.  I don’t get to shower or sleep as often, it takes twice as long to pack up and leave the house, and I find myself nursing her in places I never thought I would (i.e. Famous Footwear, Target parking lot, etc.) I'll continue to keep everybody posted as she progresses. Thanks!


  1. You go girl, and don't worry about the places, as much as the long as you're covered (blanket or cammy, you can go anywhere, and feed anytime. But #1 priority is sissy getting her feedings so she can remain strong and get ready for those surgeries. Proud of ya, and praying for you and baby.

  2. Love from your cousin Lynda in Michigan. I will send prayers for you and may you continually have all the strength you need to keep going and believing.
